Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc.

After reading Andy's examples of what trying to be cool is like these days, it made me think about what cool is really all about. Cool isn't about being the most popular person in a given society, it's just a desperate, pathetic attempt to try and find a way in the world. Take the example of the kid dropping out of school to join a gang. WHAT!!!??? How could a gang possibly be beneficial for somone? The answer is nothing. Someway, Somehow, Cool was created in society to have people feel good about themselves by being fake and not who they are truly and spritually.

As I've mentioned in past blogs, there really isn't a definiton of Cool wehn you think about it. However, since society has had cool matched with a term for a long time now, I'll just give my opinion on what I think is the rightful term. Cool is being you. That's it. Not trying your hardest to have another persona to impress anyone other than yourself.

However, one definiton from one person doesn't answer the questions about what cool has become. As much as people like me have their own opinions about the idea of cool, it has still become a huge part of society, especially in our society at high school. Cool is inspired by alot of things. For example, I think relationships between the two genders have alot to do with change of personality throughout the day, from self to cool. When you have a crush on somebody, chances are you'll probably show off and be someone who isn't quite you on a daily basis. I think because of what Coo stands for in society, it has made us in general sometimes lose confidence in ourselves spritually, causing us to create a new persona that we wouldn't create if we were 100% comfortable with ourselves. Now not EVERYONE is like this, but majority of people, especially growing teenagers, go through it everyday.

Another example could actually be looked at as a positive one. In an attempt to either impress your family or even yourself, you may change your persona in school to succeed more. Alot of times, kids in classes may glare at the kid who's known as the class clown and think to themselves, "What's wrong with him/her today? He/She is so quiet". This is because the mindset of that person is concentrated on another thing, so their personality changes dramatically, at least between the hours of school.

So overall, people aren't always themselves 24/7. People may just have permanent, multiple personalities, which is both good and bad in different cases. However, I think it;s all "Cool's fault". Now when I look at my younger family members and think about this subject, I get kind of worried. Because these kids, who have a light to them, could be pushed by society to becoem someone they are not. If Cool is what we say it is now, what could it possibly be like in the future, Better? Worse? I think the only way we are able to know is not to wait for the answer, but to make the answer. Always be yourself under ALL circumstances. There is a quote that I know which says so much when it comes to this subject. " It's better to be Hated for who you are t than to be Loved for who you are not". In other words, be yourself, make friends and be in relationships for who you truly are, and NOT someone you are not, a fake.

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