Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self


For this assignment, I asked My uncle about his many tattoos he has. When told I was doing a homework assignment on class based on expressing yourself in different ways. When asked about what his tattoos meant to him, he had this to say:

"My tattoos are what symbolize me. This "masking" you're talking about, It has nothing to do with it. Tattoos to me are special, it's a visual representation of the person who one really is. I don't consider tattoos a way to hide your real persona, but instead a way to show it in a bigger way".


After hearing my uncle's response, I believe that he is right when it comes to tattoos specifically. Sometimes, people do things just because they want to. Tattoos to a lot of people, like my uncle said, are ways to express themselves and show who they really are, instead of having to say it verbally 24/7. I myself would like to get tattoos when I get older, so my uncle's response really makes sense to me.

However, this doesn't mean that masking and decorating yourself in order to fit in still doesn't go on in society. People may go as far as tattooing not to express themselves, but to gain approval from other people. Although this has been discovered and brought into a brighter light, doesn't mean everyone in society does it.

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