Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 41 - Initial Internet Research on Schooling

The topic about school which I will be getting more specific with is the questioning of why school doesn't provide specific classes to benefit not only the interests of students, but to help them long term in the future. In my own thoughts, schools today probably only want to provide a base of education for their students and have them choose more specific classes when they get to college. However, I think it would be more beneficial if this was done earlier in the educational career of students, say around high school or even junior high school.

This article explains the "8 essential skills that weren't taught in school". Some topics include how to be successful in Life and how to make and accomplish goals. These topics should be taught in school to prepare us before we are sent out into the world to make something out of ourselves. This article insists that if we are taught these 8 skills, we will be able to have a better increase in success in Life.

This article gets more specific and asks why isn't "Project Management" taught in school. Although a little too specific, this article expresses how schools can change the confidence of students in wanting to get to the top of whatever careers they may end up choosing. This may bad, but this idea could serve as positive influence in accomplishing alot past high school.

Part A for HW 42

This article talks about how public schools offer the "common curriculum" to students. A clever metaphor that was used was that for heart surgery, a huge, major hospital beats out a small medical office, implying that specialized schools are available for more specific educational interests.

This article discusses "magnet Schools", schools who have an eye for the more educationally advance individuals who have a clear, set goal on what they want to do for their future involving computers and other technology. It also argues how less advanced students may feel bad because they don't meet a given standard like others do. However, one cannot help if some kids are more determined than others.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A


1. Will School ever change so it's more like college and you can choose what you want to study?
2. As school become equally or more social as it is educational?
3. Is there a deeper point to why school exists besides education?

1. School has become one of, if not the place where social circles are created.
2. School has been evolving ever since it was created, so it will most likely be different than it is currently.
3. School either provides as an inspiration for kids to succeed or for people to feel forced to drop out.


1. Obviously, school has taught me to do work at a consistent rate, regardless if I enjoy it or not.
2. School has been the building ground of my friendships of the past and the present.
3. School has made me grow educationally and made me become more serious about my future as I am today.

Part B

When I first came to SOF, I only knew like 4 people who came over with me from my middle school. I haven't had the feeling i had on the first day in high school in a long time. When i got to middle school, all my friends from elementary school went with me, so it was an easier experience. But when high school came, I was practically alone. Thinking back on it now, that was a time in my life where I was able to re-invent myself. I knew I would eventually have brand new friends, hangout spots, etc. Now, I am sad to say that i don't even remember my friends of elementary and middle school. i guess when it comes to school, it's just one stage of your life after another, just passing you by.
Although people look at school as nothing more but just boring work, this experience makes me realize that school provided me with something even bigger than that. it had me change my surrondings, my friends, the school, the neighborhood, etc. There is a point in everyones life where their life changes dramatically. This specifically happened to me when i entered high school.

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

(Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to arrange for the students who were supposed to be in the video to meet up at a specific time.
However, I'll instead write the script for what was supposed to happen, which will hopefully allow me to at least get half credit).

Brandon(me) is getting bullied by a couple of guys. When defending himself doesn't get anywhere, he pleads for help from
somebody, anybody.
Meanwhile, in the computer lab, his sanctuary, Victor was only seconds away from conquering the evil forces of darkness(or whatever crap he does) when all of a sudden, he hears the needs of help from Brandon.
Knowing what he must do, Victor sprang into action and ran so fast to offer to help, it was as if he was flying. He then arrives
at the scene of bullying where Brandon is in dire need of help.
Being familiar with being bullied every day, Victor reached deep inside his dark soul and unleashed his "fury" on the bullies. When the dust settled, Brandon went over to thank Victor for his assitance. Victor insisted his wasn't him who Brandon should thank, it is the mages who give Victor his strength. Afterwords, Victor goes back to the confines of the computer lab, to continue his virtual journey against evil.


This short story was a metaphor of people standing up for what they believe in. Victor's character represented the good in people, when someone sees something going on that is wrong, they fix it for the good. This is considered not only the right thing to do, but the COOL thing to do as well. (obviously, an actual video would've been better, but we couldn't arrange for a period of time to produce it).