Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

(Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to arrange for the students who were supposed to be in the video to meet up at a specific time.
However, I'll instead write the script for what was supposed to happen, which will hopefully allow me to at least get half credit).

Brandon(me) is getting bullied by a couple of guys. When defending himself doesn't get anywhere, he pleads for help from
somebody, anybody.
Meanwhile, in the computer lab, his sanctuary, Victor was only seconds away from conquering the evil forces of darkness(or whatever crap he does) when all of a sudden, he hears the needs of help from Brandon.
Knowing what he must do, Victor sprang into action and ran so fast to offer to help, it was as if he was flying. He then arrives
at the scene of bullying where Brandon is in dire need of help.
Being familiar with being bullied every day, Victor reached deep inside his dark soul and unleashed his "fury" on the bullies. When the dust settled, Brandon went over to thank Victor for his assitance. Victor insisted his wasn't him who Brandon should thank, it is the mages who give Victor his strength. Afterwords, Victor goes back to the confines of the computer lab, to continue his virtual journey against evil.


This short story was a metaphor of people standing up for what they believe in. Victor's character represented the good in people, when someone sees something going on that is wrong, they fix it for the good. This is considered not only the right thing to do, but the COOL thing to do as well. (obviously, an actual video would've been better, but we couldn't arrange for a period of time to produce it).

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