Monday, March 1, 2010

HW 42 - More Research and More Thinking

Part B for HW 42

Question: Today, the majority of students feel that the curriculum of their education does not help out for what they want to do in their futures. Students question why aren't ALL schools specialized in a way in which student have more specific options in their learning experience that would benefit their futures. So, Why aren't ALL schools specifically specialized in a given curriculum to serve as training for students with their futures?

In class, the majority of the student felt like the weren't learning anything in school now that they would need for their specific futures and hopeful jobs/careers. They felt that although today's educational system provides a balanced base of education, schools everywhere should instead of being widespread, they should get down and specific on what they are teaching their students to ensure that they get the education they need to achieve in their personal future plans.

Because of this, just like it has over time, schools may be looking for a change in the near future. As young adults in high school, we have different aspirations, different ideas and dreams of what we want to make our lives out of. However, we have to wait until college roles around to decide that. Now instead of knowing full well what we want before college, we have to pay both money and personal time to a school we think would fit our future's needs, although we aren't 100% on it, but rather hopeful.

In my opinion, I feel that in the next decade or two, schools AT LEAST countrywide could have a positive change in education to ensure that they are providing the rightful education that students would actually NEED in their lives after school. I mean, it's nice to know this, but do we honestly need to know everything there is to know about Quadratic Functions as an adult in our lives? I doubt it.

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