Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 51

School can be looked at than more than just an "educational palace" that we spend our time in from 9 AM to 3 PM. When asked either by yourself or someone else, people tend to lose thought on what school actually is. Because of this, School, which becomes apart of our daily lives at a young age, is know being second guessed by the majority of students. rather than being looked at as an opportunity to gain knowledge for the future, school is often compared to jail and a place that nobody wants to be.

Now that school's true meaning is often looked at as the enemy, I now find myself questioning what is the true point of sitting in multiple classrooms doing nothing but listening to the "master" up front, taking notes on his/her wisdom, and keeping my mouth shut the majority of the time, unless I want to hear the great words of the "master" a second time. I'll admit that there might be a chance that school's true meaning is to help prepare students for their futures, but if that IS true, I most definitely missed it.

Unless one would like to be a teacher, what's the point of coming to school? I picture myself involved in some form of athletics, whether it means being an athlete or in another field still involving sports....or even BOTH. Since this is my personal case, why is it that I can't go for these dreams of mine unless I'm able to understand factors quadratic functions or finding the molarity of a substance? To me, this is just unfair.

As much as the majority of school time is unfair, there are some good things that come out of it. Out of all my classes, i find Internship class to be the most helpful for my future after high school. While it doesn't concentrate on my specific career interests, it DOES talk about important factors of life such as ;earning how to deal with budgets, how to nail an interview for a job, basically stuff that actually matter if one would like to be successful in his/her life.If all classes were more like this, then maybe a lot of students wouldn't have to unrelunctantly force themselves out of bed every school morning. Just maybe, they'd be willing to receive some guidance for when they go out into the world without mommy and daddy no longer being behind them.

In my opinion, College is when you start your life. You choose the classes you want, which teaches the topics you're interested in, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you're in a good position in this point of your life. To better suit their student's love of education, maybe grade schools should try to be more opened up with a variety of classes, giving them more options. As much as teachers and parents may disagree with it, students deserve a right to have options in what they are taught. It allows them to potentially discover hidden talent, the same talents that will make them successful in their jobs and careers which will define their place in their society, and in the world. That may seem too far out and sound crazy to a lot of people, but that's only because school isn't in the format that it should be. There's a saying that states "Change is Good", whether or not people agree with it or not, let's give change a try and see just how far it would be able to take us.

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