Monday, October 26, 2009


After reading your blog posts, I do believe you have the tools to write a pretty good essay. You talk about points made in texts read, make connections to your life or the world in general and discuss how points you've talked about can grow. In order to write essays, we need to know about the topic we are writing about as deeply as we possibly can.
So after you read a text, the thinking doesn't stop along with your reading. That's what I've learned in this unit about reading in general (with some help in English class too). It's pretty cool how we read something, then put our ideas on paper, if we do well at it, our ideas end up twice as long as the text itself.

Your ideas consist of topics I too think about during the current unit. Along with this article, we are discovering how digital technology's reign of dominance (if you will) is approaching. For a huge topic such as this in our class unit, we have to be really creative writers and really extend ideas we originally got from read articles, discussions, etc.
Your ideas about these things in your posts are really great. You pull out a small idea and by yourself, you expand it into a more bigger and more thinkable topic. When it comes to writing an essay or doing an art project, I think you do have the skills to be able to do well on these general assignments. Good Job and keep it up.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW 14- Second Text

After downloading and reading the long excerpt, i could basically clarify that the argument within this article is that too many kids are into Video Games, Television and other digital technology more than reading books. Some evidence that this author of the read text includes studies of how reading has decreased amoung "many demographic groups". The author admits that digital technology such as games do help with increased hand-eye coordination, amoung other positives. So after an long period of time in which adults have been insisting that Video Games, Televison and the Internet have been nothing more than a waste of time, it seems this article is a clear key of evidence to prove those assumptions wrong.

I do respect the author of this text's opnion, as well as other's opinions, but some parts of the text had me thinking. For example, in the text, there was a study that took place which said that someone who reads more is more likely to " visit museums and attend musical performances". Whether this is true or not, nobody can say they are 100% sure on the answer. But the assumptions continue, with the study insisting that people who read alot are more likely do be involved in other activities such as volunteering and attending sporting events. All I have to say about that is, Are you kidding me?

I personally don't consider myself a daily reader, yet at the same time I'm getting up 5'o clock almost every saturday morning to volunteet at my church's soup kitchen. I also find myself in the gym exercising during the majority of my free time. Now based on these FACTS about myself, I believe I just proved the message of this study wrong, no matter how much evidence it includes.

The author of this article is basically being realistic about where society will be in the future. What was yesterday's distraction will be tomorrow's savior. We all have to become as realistic as the author and say that this is the way the world is evolving. As long of a way we have come from past generations, we are just getting started.

I can't really connect this article to FEED, as I had trouble understanding the book as a whole. But I can connect this article to the point in the digital unit in our class, which basically says that digital technology is growing, and will soon be a nationwide, worldwide phenomenom. If people don't believe it or don't want to believe it, unless they are preparing for a mission to destroy everything digital ( which is pretty hard), sit back, relax and watch the world go through a new era, an era of digital.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

HW 11- Self Experiment

For this Homework, i decided to try and not do anything digital after school. So on my way home, I didn't listen to music, which kind of felt weird since I always listen to music when I have nobody to talk to. When I got home, instead of watching TV or going on the internet, I went to the store for my mom. Now although I wasn't being rushed, I felt like I was because usually the only time that I don't watch TV or go on the internet when I get home is when I have something else to do.
Then, as I was getting ready to go workout at my gym, I just couldn't leave without my IPOD. So in other words, I failed at my mission of decreasing digital technology in my routine.
I think the reason why it was weird doing this is because I grew up in the generation in which saw digital technology grow at a fast rate. This is the society that I grew up in, so for me to just change it out of the blue, that's a challenging task. However, this experiment was interesting and helped me realize how much of an impact digital technology really does have on my life. It reminded me that this is what the world is now, and I probably cannot do anything to change myself and pull myself away from the world I spent my entire life in.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

HW 10- Informal Research Internet the same ideas that i

This article I picked up talks about a sports store which has all of their items on a Personal Digital Assitant (PDA), so make shopping for the customer faster and easier. This is strong proof of what awaits us in the digital future. I'm really not on a side on whether or not digital technology is a good thing. All I'm going to say is that our world evolves every single day, and we just have to accept that.
I believe this is indeed a preview of the future in digital technology. Pretty soon, all stores will have a PDA, making shopping everywhere quicker and easier, saving more time to do other activities, which will most likely also have something to do with digital media.

This article shares the same ideas that I do. It informs us that digital technology is a bigger part of our lives than we consider it. How digital technology IS life and it is still continuing to grow in society. But reasons for why this is good includes that it allows information to be passed around the world and important research. Reasons that it's a bad thing is that there is no privacy from the government because " the government taps into people's computers and internet activities under the excuse that they are doing it in the name of law enforcement".
I think this says a lot about the pros and cons of digital technology. It allows us to think like " well this is good.....but what about this....etc.". It gives people a chance to really break down thoughts and opinions into really sophisticated conversations.

This article was really interesting to me, as it discussed the topic of digital technology in a way that technology could be looked at in a different light. The author of this article talks about how people should not look at technology alone, but look at the interaction between technology and people. She/he then asks questions based around multiple individual topics to make readers think then possibly converse with others about their thoughts on a later date.
I found this article to be really helpful in expanding my mind on digital technology in everyday life. It not only talked about the same topics I already knew, but the article expanded it, making it seem a easier to think about.

HW 9- Video Project GHIJK

To Matthew:

You have the same idea as me when it comes to Digital Technology. Your comments to my video only helped improve my thoughts on this unit and the many different ways being digital is effecting us now, and what it may do in the future. Your comment in made me realize that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do whe n it comes to digital media and what role it plays in our lives daily. The unit in andy's class is succeeding in bringing alot of young minds together and expand the overall similar ideas. SO what do you think will possibly happen in the future with digital technology, having today's use of it as evidence? Many answers can be put after that question, it's just so interesting to hear about them all. I appreciate your comments and hope to get more great feedback.

To Michele:

Your comments really make alot of sense to me when it comes to the unit we're doing in andy's class. i liked how you used that Bruce Wilis movie as an example of t=what digital technology could be like in the future. Could today's population already have a clear picture about how the world will be like in the generations to come? Movies like SURROGATES helps people open their minds, whether they want to or not, and think just what the world will be like later on in their lifetimes, or even after their lifetimes have ended. It's crazy that I'm saying this, but it has become a part of life nowadays. Thanks for the comments, as you can see it has helped me really expand my thinking about the topic of digital media.