Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW 14- Second Text

After downloading and reading the long excerpt, i could basically clarify that the argument within this article is that too many kids are into Video Games, Television and other digital technology more than reading books. Some evidence that this author of the read text includes studies of how reading has decreased amoung "many demographic groups". The author admits that digital technology such as games do help with increased hand-eye coordination, amoung other positives. So after an long period of time in which adults have been insisting that Video Games, Televison and the Internet have been nothing more than a waste of time, it seems this article is a clear key of evidence to prove those assumptions wrong.

I do respect the author of this text's opnion, as well as other's opinions, but some parts of the text had me thinking. For example, in the text, there was a study that took place which said that someone who reads more is more likely to " visit museums and attend musical performances". Whether this is true or not, nobody can say they are 100% sure on the answer. But the assumptions continue, with the study insisting that people who read alot are more likely do be involved in other activities such as volunteering and attending sporting events. All I have to say about that is, Are you kidding me?

I personally don't consider myself a daily reader, yet at the same time I'm getting up 5'o clock almost every saturday morning to volunteet at my church's soup kitchen. I also find myself in the gym exercising during the majority of my free time. Now based on these FACTS about myself, I believe I just proved the message of this study wrong, no matter how much evidence it includes.

The author of this article is basically being realistic about where society will be in the future. What was yesterday's distraction will be tomorrow's savior. We all have to become as realistic as the author and say that this is the way the world is evolving. As long of a way we have come from past generations, we are just getting started.

I can't really connect this article to FEED, as I had trouble understanding the book as a whole. But I can connect this article to the point in the digital unit in our class, which basically says that digital technology is growing, and will soon be a nationwide, worldwide phenomenom. If people don't believe it or don't want to believe it, unless they are preparing for a mission to destroy everything digital ( which is pretty hard), sit back, relax and watch the world go through a new era, an era of digital.


  1. I thought this was a really great blog post.You hit on some very important points from the excerpts. When you wrote "The author of this article is basically being realistic about where society will be in the future. What was . We all have to become as realistic as the author and say that this is the way the world is evolving. As long of a way we have come from past generations, we are just getting started." This really pulled me in espically the line "yesterday's distraction will be tomorrow's savior", this is a really complex idea.I wonder will these so-called distraction's of tech. , be the exact thing the rises us up in to a better, brighter world.Will tech. be the thing which allows us to considered ourselves the "greatest generation"? Maybe your on to something, tho we curse its name, maybe just maybe its the only thing we have to save us. I hope next time you try to find some connections but other then that great job.

  2. I like how you read and understood the texts but at the same time were able to disagree or agree with his ideas. You even use yourself to prove him wrong which I thought was pretty cool ( the part about readers being more active VS non - readers.) I like ideas you bring up like the way author is saying that the technology most people is a waste time is actually good and will be better in the future or like in the end you say we can't really do anyhting to stop this new technology era, just sit back and watch is true. Maybe you should talk a little bit more of what author said and connecting or just agreeing or disagreeing with some of his other points. But besides that i believe you got what Johnson was saying and have great ideas.
