Thursday, November 19, 2009

HW 24 Short Story 1

Eric walked to school the next morning feeling confident in his newly purchased clothes. He was practically 100% sure that these clothes would help him in his mission in getting the attention of the "cool" kids. As he got closer to his school, he remembered the hour long training session of "cool talk" he went through the night before, which brought a smile to his face. He was ready.

As he entered the building, all he could think was to not look anywhere other than straight in front of him. he had to pretend that he didn't care what other kids were thinking of his new transformation. After all, he was "cool" now. He arrived to class and took a seat in the back. He had trouble sitting down with the amount of excitment building up inside of him. " This is what I worked for", he thought. His plan was running smoothly, nothing could stop him. As he kept pondering what his next "cool" move would be, that's when THEY walked in. The people who Eric desperatly wanted to be accepted by, the people who were the celebrities of the school. He stared at them and envied their pride and glory. He wanted it, he craved it.

After class, he rushed out of class to catch up with the "cool" kids, hoping to say something, anything to them. As long as it was "cool". But Eric stopped running, and his expression changed. he still saw the popular kids, but he now saw them picking on two kids. These kids, who looked like midgets, stood there and took the verbal assault that the cool kids were handing out to them. Eric, who started to get disgusted, wondered just how these kids could be such A-holes and how he didn't realize it. Once he heard the thud of one of the bullied kids getting pushed into the lockers, that was the final straw. He rushed up and went staright for the leader of the former school Gods.

"If you want to pick on someone, pick on me", said Eric.

The cool kids, looking at Eric with confusion, backed off like the cowards they really were and continued down the hall.

Later that night, Eric took a long, deep stare into his mirror, wondering what had happened to him over the past couple of days. After droping the last piece of his new clothing into the big bin, he topped it off with the lid and put it in his closet. he then took a look at his old clothes. He then started to go through them, figuring out which shirt he would wear the next day. Rather than concentrate on what he would do to try and impress someone else, he was now concentrating on which shirt he should wear to impress himself.


  1. That was a good story.

    It was obvious how fake the character was, and when he finally realized that this fakeness wouldn't get him anywhere, besides being a total ass hole, he decided to drop the act.

    In the end, he finally realizes that he was fine with how he used to be, and decided to not be a fake anymore. I particularly liked that ending part. It left an impact, and it seemed pretty realistic for the most part.

  2. Brandon
    I like this it showed that he was cool because he stood up for the " non - cool" and realizes who he truly wants to be for his sake not others! NICE!

  3. Brandon,

    I liked how your story demonstrated how Eric's perception of what "cool" was changed and it showed in his actions . In the end he realized that being "cool" maybe wasn't what he wanted.

  4. brandon

    i thought that your story was really good i felt that it showed how people change when they try to impress someone or hang out with someone and i thought what eric thought of those kids being cool changed because they picked on people and he didn't like that.

  5. I thought your story was nice, it had an excellent moral. BUt I think the real question is who do you relate to better, the upstanding young man or the bully? Maybe there is a bully in all of us Brandon.

  6. I like how you constructed your story. The kid feels the urge to be cool at first, but ends up finding out that being himself is the best way to go. Your story also really degrades the meaning of cool, it seems like your trying to show that being cool is not as important as we think it is.
