Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25 Story Comments and Analysis


To Victor,
I liked your story and the message that it put out. Overall, from your story, the idea I got was that people allow fear to get out of the way of our minds and replace it with the thought of Cool. I like the story itself too. Good Job.

To Bryanna,
I liked your story. I think your deep message says a lot. Like Victor's paper, which I read before, in the story you interpret how fear of a person can trick others into thinking that feared person is cool. Great Job.

To Matt,
Although your story was read out loud, i decided to read it again. First off, it's an overall great story, with great interaction taking place between the characters. To me, your story shows how topics such as sex are today's "cool" topics. In your story, one character questions why the other character trying to be cool does the things she does. I think ALOT of people need that same reality check. Good Job.

Overall, your story describes what people would look at as being "cool". I thought a lot while reading your story. Long black hair, not seeming to care about class, leather jackets and skateboards, these things are things that are called cool in today's society. It's funny because the same people who call those things cool don't even know the meaning of the word "cool". Good Story.

This is a good story. It demonstrates what people in society look at as being "cool". Reading your story, This Bobby character, just seems so familiar, but it may just be my imagination. Good story.


After reading a couple of short stories, I sit back and just feel confused. All the stories are great. In fact, the stories paint a very accurate picture of what people look at as being cool today. However, 2 things are wrong with that picture. 1, there is really no definition of "cool", so how can we determine what cool is, and 2, if "cool" meant what society made it out to be, why are the things that people look at as "cool" even "cool"in the first place?

In 5 stories,i got the basic assumption that people looked at people who don't really care about anything other than themselves as being "cool" people. Not caring much about school, teasing others, these are our definitions of "cool"? That's pretty scary.

Although it has come to a conclusion that there is no such thing as "cool", it's too late to kick it out of our lives now. So with that being said, if we have to define "cool", can't we define it in the right way? Having a dream in life, doing all your homework, knowing about important devices such as computers, these are the things that really matter, these things should be looked at as being "cool".

Overall, I think all the students that went through this unit learned a lot about something that's been apart of their lives for almost their whole lives. Being "cool", has been explored and is probably now being looked at differently than a lot of people, who are probably thinking themselves how they can ever think what they thought was "cool" before, "cool" to them at one point. It just shows that it's not just the word ":cool",it's a lot more words and topics that haven't been explored yet that remain a mystery. Although civilization has existed for thousands of years, nobody has the right to say that a word has a definition, because there is no such thing as words or definitions that mean the same thing that we thing it means. Could it be that we are just living one very big lie? I think a lot more exploring needs to be done to conclude something that big.

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