Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

The do's and do not's of parenting are almost neck and neck. Everyone is going to have an opinion on the same topic, so what one parent thinks is good, doesn't sit well with another one.

A quote I found interesting was from Andy's friend Christian. He said that sometimes, "kids DO have control because if parents are noticeably unfair, kids would be able to make their parents have a more stressful day than they would have to". This shows that while parents are in control, they should still somewhat play fair with raising their kids.

When asking my mom about the way she parented me and my sister, she had this to say: " I feel that I'm a strict parent, but I also let you kids know that I loved you. There were rules and there were consequences if they were broken. I didn't believe in hitting but I disciplined by taking away tv, games, etc. I also didn't allow my kids to be Idle and hang in the streets. They were kept busy, and therefore out of trouble. I taught them that respect for elders and authority is extreamly important, as well as respecting others. I feel that my kids are well rounded and have benefited from my parenting style".

To me, my mom's parenting techniques have benefited me for the long run. No offense to other kids and their pafrents, but I feel that my mother's way of raising me has made me a more standout and stronger individual. While some kids out there have parents who aren't involved in their lives, my mothers techniques really helped mold who I am today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

When raising a child, parents all over the world have different techniques in raising them. Whether its being nice, tough love, just being tough, or anything welse, this is why the world is different in a good way.

In my opinion, there is NO proper way to raise a child, similar to an opinion, every parent is entitled to their own way of raising their children. I don't understand all these books and "professionals" who say they know the "right" way to raise a child. As long as the universe existed, what gives them the right to say that. In general, when a couple has a child, it is their right and responsibility to raise them in whatever way they see fit.

So in general, as much as children don't believe it, our parents know whats best for us for the early stages of our lives, because they gave us life. When we get old enough, we cvan take over.

HW 56 - Interviews & Survey Question

What is the relationship between a psychologist and his/her patient?

How do Psychologists themselves get mental help? When does the cycle end?

How do they cover up their "human" traits and make themselves look like "super humans" or "gods"?

Who on this Earth knows the exact amount of mental stability? Is there such thing?

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 55


Why do psychologists have the right to be looked at as more mentally stable people than others in society? What makes them think that they know 100% how to think, live life, etc.?



Thanks for making me your triangle partner....although you seem to have a lot of partners. Anyways, your questions seem very well aimed at a specific topic of friendships, something i need to aim at with my questions topic.

Overall, good start, you'll probably add more detail to it or something else you feel is necessary, since im in no position to give you constructive criticism. Thanks for the help on mine.

HW 54

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

I feel this "personality test" was another way to really think about where your POV stands with various topics. Rather than use this to have other people find out who you are, it gives OURSELVES the opportunity to actually find out stuff about ourselves we don't think about on a daily basis. Sure, some topics like social levels I can answer the same usually, but other questions got me thinking about where I stand with it.

However, I honestly don't think there's a survey out there that can truly be 100% accurate. You choose who you want to be in life, period. No test should be able to tell you who you are and you didn't realize it until after. I think what's interesting about these surveys is different peoples perceptions of how people act based on questions being answered.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

Part 2:

This survey is pretty interesting and made me think about the same topics I discussed in HW 52. Like all surveys, this one made me really think about the questions asked and even more about the topics they were based around. For example, when asked about my family life, I was able to answer the question while having more of an appreciation of how my family life is compared to other people who unfortunately might have answered the questions in a lower way.

In HW 52, I did discuss how good it is that we all have the ability to think about certain Life aspects and use our minds to crate different possible explanations. These kinds of surveys better benefit those abilities and may even expand our mindsets since there are more specific questions.

HW 52 - Initial Theories of Human Relationships

Asking yourself "What is the right way to Live?" is just another one of those questions where although there is no exact answer, its interesting to spend periods of time thinking about. I've always believed, based on how I grew up in a religious aspect, that all questions would be answered only when you die. But until then, all you could do is wonder. However, something that is great about life is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether others want to accept your ideas as a possibility or not. As long as you have a brain, you could think in any way you choose.

Thinking specifically about human relationships, i've grown up and found myself acting differently towards different people in my life. I don't consider this as myself being a fake person, I think just like the question, the way you act can't be traced back to one simple explanation, but instead it is just the way it is is. We were all born with many, different emotions, so in a way, these emotions are all used, but not directly to all the same people. You have family, good friends, regular friends, classmates, a girl/boy friend, the list goes on and on. It's one of those things where I guess it just depends on the person you are reacting to in which you would act. For example, I usually goof off with my friends while I may tone myself down around family. Specifically focusing on family, type way I act with them is what i consider my first "give off" of emotion because my family were the people around me before any outsiders who are currently apart of my life today. In general, the majority of people are interested in change, so thinking back to when I got into school and it's environment, my human instincts simply saw this as a golden opportunity to give off new emotions and create new human relationships that differ from the ones I lived off of with my family for the beginning of my life.

This also happens when you meet that special person in a romantic level. It's one thing to notice the difference of relationships between family and friends, but the feelings you get when you have interest in one particular person is just so crazy it could sometimes be indescribable. Rather than think about what your brain is feeling, think about what happens to your body when you become affiliated with those kind of moods. You may have little butterflies in your stomach, feel light headed (in a good way), etc. When you think about this, you're not forcing yourself to feel these just do. Because of this, whatever point of view you have about Life, whether it be Science alone or a God, this could've been a creation that was added along with the universe, who says they can truly know?

It's great to be able to think about and create possible explanations in your head, but why think hard all the time? There are times in general when people have problems thinking too hard about a given subject. Just like Life itself, its fun to think about for a set amount of time from time to time, but in the end, you just sit back and accept the existence of everything. Like I said earlier, i personally believe that you will find out the answers to all of those big, universal questions only when you die. People may ask "How do you know that?", and to tell the truth, i DON'T. But just like human relationships, people have a right to think about why and how life was created, because someway, somehow...that ability was included in the package the second we were all born into this world.