Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

When raising a child, parents all over the world have different techniques in raising them. Whether its being nice, tough love, just being tough, or anything welse, this is why the world is different in a good way.

In my opinion, there is NO proper way to raise a child, similar to an opinion, every parent is entitled to their own way of raising their children. I don't understand all these books and "professionals" who say they know the "right" way to raise a child. As long as the universe existed, what gives them the right to say that. In general, when a couple has a child, it is their right and responsibility to raise them in whatever way they see fit.

So in general, as much as children don't believe it, our parents know whats best for us for the early stages of our lives, because they gave us life. When we get old enough, we cvan take over.

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