Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

The do's and do not's of parenting are almost neck and neck. Everyone is going to have an opinion on the same topic, so what one parent thinks is good, doesn't sit well with another one.

A quote I found interesting was from Andy's friend Christian. He said that sometimes, "kids DO have control because if parents are noticeably unfair, kids would be able to make their parents have a more stressful day than they would have to". This shows that while parents are in control, they should still somewhat play fair with raising their kids.

When asking my mom about the way she parented me and my sister, she had this to say: " I feel that I'm a strict parent, but I also let you kids know that I loved you. There were rules and there were consequences if they were broken. I didn't believe in hitting but I disciplined by taking away tv, games, etc. I also didn't allow my kids to be Idle and hang in the streets. They were kept busy, and therefore out of trouble. I taught them that respect for elders and authority is extreamly important, as well as respecting others. I feel that my kids are well rounded and have benefited from my parenting style".

To me, my mom's parenting techniques have benefited me for the long run. No offense to other kids and their pafrents, but I feel that my mother's way of raising me has made me a more standout and stronger individual. While some kids out there have parents who aren't involved in their lives, my mothers techniques really helped mold who I am today.

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