Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Extra Credit 1- Tolstoy Cool

Look at Characteristics of "Schwartz", a "cool" character in the story and identify what matches him with properties of "cool".

Schwartz to me is a man of mystery, someone who can't be "read' by another single person. Just by the way he carries himself shows that he fits the description most people look at as being cool. "His colleague Schwartz was just coming downstairs, but on seeing Peter Ivanovich enter he stopped and winked at him, as if to say: "Ivan Ilych has made a mess of things -- not like you and me"." This shows that it only takes Schwartz a blink of one eye to let someone know what he is thinking. It also kind of shows that he is too good to talk to someone, like he is above it.

"The ladies went upstairs to the widow's room, and Schwartz with seriously compressed lips but a playful looking his eyes, indicated by a twist of his eyebrows the room to the right where the body lay". Even in a serious situation, the "cool and suave" Schwartz manages to keep his composure and stay calm and collected. this shows self control and discipline, which is a high, cool characteristic. it's funny how this really intertwines to what society thinks as "cool" today. it's like, Cool is thought of as a "good" thing, but Schwartz' ways are making him seem like a badass of sorts. So based on this, Scwartz can be looked at as an example of what "Cool" is, which is when an individual has the ability to be good and bad at the same time.

This story signifies yet another example of a perception of the meaning of "cool". You have this guy, mysterious, but yet readable, ONLY when HE wants to be read. His characteristics really fly off him, as a way to signify who he is in society. Is this what "cool" brings, or is it "cool" when someone makes it obvious to others who that person is ( or may want to be)?

Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self


For this assignment, I asked My uncle about his many tattoos he has. When told I was doing a homework assignment on class based on expressing yourself in different ways. When asked about what his tattoos meant to him, he had this to say:

"My tattoos are what symbolize me. This "masking" you're talking about, It has nothing to do with it. Tattoos to me are special, it's a visual representation of the person who one really is. I don't consider tattoos a way to hide your real persona, but instead a way to show it in a bigger way".


After hearing my uncle's response, I believe that he is right when it comes to tattoos specifically. Sometimes, people do things just because they want to. Tattoos to a lot of people, like my uncle said, are ways to express themselves and show who they really are, instead of having to say it verbally 24/7. I myself would like to get tattoos when I get older, so my uncle's response really makes sense to me.

However, this doesn't mean that masking and decorating yourself in order to fit in still doesn't go on in society. People may go as far as tattooing not to express themselves, but to gain approval from other people. Although this has been discovered and brought into a brighter light, doesn't mean everyone in society does it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

HW 30 Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool

How does cool relate to our attempt to live in relation to this emptiness?

Cool as evolved in the human society in a big way, for a very long time. People look at cool as a way to fill in that "emptiness" they feel inside themselves in order to feel like they are someone in the world. This can be looked at in different ways, whether it be positive or negative, or anything else.

Cool itself has been discovered as overated, or better yet, it has been discovered as being non-exsisting. Cool has many multiple definitions, so many that it can't easily be narrowed down to one meaning. However, if you look past that, everyone is able to live through life and have their own perceptions of the word "Cool". After trying to figure out what cool is or what is does for one's benefits; a fork has formed in that path. in other words, in this situation of people using cool to make something out of themselves in life has become suchn a huge topic to think about, that the questioning of the term has been put on the side for the time being.

Over the past few generations, people have been using cool to live their lives. That's right, as weird as it sounds (which that too is weird, since I live on "Cool" in at least one way), it has become true. In the episode, "Merchants of Cool" from the series "Frontline", the topic of cool is explored. More specifically, the show concentrates on corporations trying to get on their buyer's sides in order for them to keep making profits, or maybe in even increase those profits. However, what is also revealed is that corporations aren't selling too many actual products as a main sell anymore, their biggest profit maker is Cool itself.

Corporations know that the general public look up at pop culture as somewhat of an inspiration, so smartly to their benefit, they jumped on that idea and built it into empires. For example, Britney Spears. Britney is looked at as an inspiration, mostly to young, teen girls. Aside from the CDs, the clothes and perfumes, those girls are taking life advice from Britney Spears (which at the time, when she was normal, although it still is a bad ordeal). Girls have looked at Britney Spears as a role model, so when they see what she does and how she lives her life, her young fans follow her lead and copy her. Before Spears made it big, I'm pretty sure there was less attention to "being sexy" being given by people. But now that she's on top of the world, she is now a leader for thousands of followers, waiting for her next move.

Overall, people use pop culture and being cool as a way to push themselves to being someone in this world. This can be looked at as both positive and negative. Positive because more people are being inspired to go out and explore the world, to make an impact on many other people in the process. Negative because while they're doing all this positive stuff, it's based on someone elses actions (little girls being sexy because of Britney Spears' ways). I myself can even admit that me wanting to become a pro wrestler was because of the wrestlers I saw on the TV when I was a young boy who had no idea about going into the world by myslef. All this inspiration, is it nothing more but a joke? It's hard to say. I think this topic can be answered in many different ways, which that itself may be the real reason of this subject.

Monday, December 14, 2009

HW 29 Merchants of Cool

What are ways that corporations sell their products? Is it wrong that they do it in the ways that they do?

In the video, there are multiple types or views of Cool. The goal of this video in my view was to show how corporations work in order to get in the minds of teenagers of this generation to know what they like and prefer in products such as clothes, games, digital devices, etc. Watching this, it rally got me thinking how corporations work.

Although we may not realize it at first, everything that we buy in today's society has a group of men wearing suits, sitting at a round table. The part where a representative of a company interviewed a handful of teens was an example on what corporations are willing to do to sell their products. The small amount of money that the corporations pay the teens are a small sacrifice to what they will eventually earn from teens including those they paid in the future, as it has already happened many times before.

There were many forms of tricking kids that were revealed in the video such as music, movies, regular TV, among other things have allowed corporations to be in the heads of kids almost all the time. Pop idols like Britney Spears have gone farther than to just sell CDs and some beauty products, she sold "being cool". Now before Britney Spears came along, I'm sure there was less exposure to sex. This is because people like Britney Spears were part of a new era in both the corporation world and eventually with some convincing, the youth into thinking this was the definition of cool. "Girls are taught to flaunt their sexuality even though they don't understand it yet." This is showing that corporations are now going farther than to just sell products, they are now selling ways to live.

This video may be able to open teenager's eyes in realizing what they have been sucked into for the most part of this generation. Corporations at times may being tricking youth int thinking they want to know something for one reason when really they'll just be scurrying back to their respective businesses with new information that's needed to have that business move forward.

Monday, December 7, 2009

HW 28- Informal Research- TV Shows, Internet and Magazines


This page just simply listed the 20 plus definitions of cool. Although this may seem to lack any evidence as to what cool is, to me it does. Being that there is a lot more than one definition for the word "cool" makes me realize that there really isn't one, solid definition. Although I discussed my personal reasoning before, this further evaluates that there is indeed literally multiple definitions out there that vary from temperature to social status.


This article interested me a lot. This article explained that being "cool" has influenced society's youth in situations that lead to peer pressure, self esteem and other youth situations. This article had me thinking on how "cool" could impact people so much, even when "cool" doesn't even have a real definition.


This article had me laughing a bit, as it made fun of what people look at as being "cool". There is one line that can summarize this sarcasm. " Smoking's also pretty cool, and can make almost anyone look cooler. If you take this approach, you just have to remember not to think about the inevitable throat cancer looming on the horizon". This shows how a lot of people's perceptions of "cool" are just straight wrong.

Monday, November 30, 2009

HW 27 Informal Research- Interviews and Surveys

The family member I chose looks at being cool the same basic way that I do. She looks at cool as being yourself, not pretending to live in a different way just to impress another person or a group of people. Being yourself makes you identify yourself to the world, to people who will end up being your friends because they like the real you. As I've realized, this family member said there is no real definition of cool. However, she said the idea of cool can be looked at in a different light, which would be the right way. In life, you should just worry about living your life the way YOU want to, to the best of YOUR ability. Although there is no real definition of cool, since society has picked up the term anyway, that is what "Cool" is.

Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 25 Story Comments and Analysis


To Victor,
I liked your story and the message that it put out. Overall, from your story, the idea I got was that people allow fear to get out of the way of our minds and replace it with the thought of Cool. I like the story itself too. Good Job.

To Bryanna,
I liked your story. I think your deep message says a lot. Like Victor's paper, which I read before, in the story you interpret how fear of a person can trick others into thinking that feared person is cool. Great Job.

To Matt,
Although your story was read out loud, i decided to read it again. First off, it's an overall great story, with great interaction taking place between the characters. To me, your story shows how topics such as sex are today's "cool" topics. In your story, one character questions why the other character trying to be cool does the things she does. I think ALOT of people need that same reality check. Good Job.

Overall, your story describes what people would look at as being "cool". I thought a lot while reading your story. Long black hair, not seeming to care about class, leather jackets and skateboards, these things are things that are called cool in today's society. It's funny because the same people who call those things cool don't even know the meaning of the word "cool". Good Story.

This is a good story. It demonstrates what people in society look at as being "cool". Reading your story, This Bobby character, just seems so familiar, but it may just be my imagination. Good story.


After reading a couple of short stories, I sit back and just feel confused. All the stories are great. In fact, the stories paint a very accurate picture of what people look at as being cool today. However, 2 things are wrong with that picture. 1, there is really no definition of "cool", so how can we determine what cool is, and 2, if "cool" meant what society made it out to be, why are the things that people look at as "cool" even "cool"in the first place?

In 5 stories,i got the basic assumption that people looked at people who don't really care about anything other than themselves as being "cool" people. Not caring much about school, teasing others, these are our definitions of "cool"? That's pretty scary.

Although it has come to a conclusion that there is no such thing as "cool", it's too late to kick it out of our lives now. So with that being said, if we have to define "cool", can't we define it in the right way? Having a dream in life, doing all your homework, knowing about important devices such as computers, these are the things that really matter, these things should be looked at as being "cool".

Overall, I think all the students that went through this unit learned a lot about something that's been apart of their lives for almost their whole lives. Being "cool", has been explored and is probably now being looked at differently than a lot of people, who are probably thinking themselves how they can ever think what they thought was "cool" before, "cool" to them at one point. It just shows that it's not just the word ":cool",it's a lot more words and topics that haven't been explored yet that remain a mystery. Although civilization has existed for thousands of years, nobody has the right to say that a word has a definition, because there is no such thing as words or definitions that mean the same thing that we thing it means. Could it be that we are just living one very big lie? I think a lot more exploring needs to be done to conclude something that big.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

HW 24 Short Story 1

Eric walked to school the next morning feeling confident in his newly purchased clothes. He was practically 100% sure that these clothes would help him in his mission in getting the attention of the "cool" kids. As he got closer to his school, he remembered the hour long training session of "cool talk" he went through the night before, which brought a smile to his face. He was ready.

As he entered the building, all he could think was to not look anywhere other than straight in front of him. he had to pretend that he didn't care what other kids were thinking of his new transformation. After all, he was "cool" now. He arrived to class and took a seat in the back. He had trouble sitting down with the amount of excitment building up inside of him. " This is what I worked for", he thought. His plan was running smoothly, nothing could stop him. As he kept pondering what his next "cool" move would be, that's when THEY walked in. The people who Eric desperatly wanted to be accepted by, the people who were the celebrities of the school. He stared at them and envied their pride and glory. He wanted it, he craved it.

After class, he rushed out of class to catch up with the "cool" kids, hoping to say something, anything to them. As long as it was "cool". But Eric stopped running, and his expression changed. he still saw the popular kids, but he now saw them picking on two kids. These kids, who looked like midgets, stood there and took the verbal assault that the cool kids were handing out to them. Eric, who started to get disgusted, wondered just how these kids could be such A-holes and how he didn't realize it. Once he heard the thud of one of the bullied kids getting pushed into the lockers, that was the final straw. He rushed up and went staright for the leader of the former school Gods.

"If you want to pick on someone, pick on me", said Eric.

The cool kids, looking at Eric with confusion, backed off like the cowards they really were and continued down the hall.

Later that night, Eric took a long, deep stare into his mirror, wondering what had happened to him over the past couple of days. After droping the last piece of his new clothing into the big bin, he topped it off with the lid and put it in his closet. he then took a look at his old clothes. He then started to go through them, figuring out which shirt he would wear the next day. Rather than concentrate on what he would do to try and impress someone else, he was now concentrating on which shirt he should wear to impress himself.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 First Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I don't think there is only one kind of Cool, no matter what people's perceptions of the definition are. In other words, what's cool in one social circle doesn't have to be cool in other social circles. I don't think there's one kind of cool for everyone living, which is why I say that there isn't a definite definition.

When it comes to the actual concept of Cool, I think cool is the process of being accepted either by people who are onlookers to the person, or being accepted into social groups based on the person him/her self. This connects back to my earlier idea of there not being one definition of cool. Whoever you hang out with socially, you obviously accepted them socially, showing that you think they are cool, and vice versa. This can absolutely be seen in different ways in different groups. For example, in one group, the newest Jordan sneakers that came out could be looked at as a cool topic, while in another group, that is just irrelevant. This kind of situation happens everyday. I'll give an example right now.

One situation could be that some people may think one kid is cooler than another kid because the first kid is more athletic, while the second kid is more into computers. Both those kids are definitely cool in their own ways, one is not cooler than the other. Sure, the first kid is more athletic than the second kid, what does that mean? Why is he cool? I bet if there was an actual situation like this ( which there is, and it happens everyday) and I walked up to the people who think the athletic kid is cool and asked them "Why is he cool? Better yet, what is Cool?", they'd have a hard time to have an accurate answer. I'll gladly admit that before I got down to thinking what cool is, I would've been in the same predicament where I didn't know what cool actually meant. Now that I was able to think about it, i know now that there is no such definition for Cool.

Without really deeply thinking about the term Cool, people may just assume that society is divided into the Cool people and the not so Cool people. Now that I had a chance to really think, as well as have it as a topic of discussion in class, I disagree with that assumption. To me, there is no exact definition of Cool, and it could be interpreted in many ways. To me, Cool is a process in which people accept and/or like People or Things. They look at them/it as being enjoyable or fun to be around. They give their respect to that person or object and want to be around them/it whenever they can. That is only part of my idea to what cool is. All I know is Cool isn't something that can be defined, just something that can be interpreted in may different ways by us.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

HW 22 Final Draft

In today's world, society is run alot more differently than 50 years ago. It has grown both in many ways other than in a physical sense. A main reason why this has happened is because of HOW we live in society. The control over the majority of society is in the hands, or better yet buttons and screens of Digital Technology. In this past century, Digital Technology has grown in mainstream, pop culture rapidly. After numerous studies as to why people, more specifically Americans, almost always use anything Digital, it really comes down to three main points. Despite it's numerous negative aspects, digital devices are still being used by the majority of Americans because it provides entertainment, keeps us in better touch with family and friends and makes the user's lives easier.

Today, no matter what it is, almost every digital device provides some case of entertainment available for the owner of that device. Now because of this, the device has more of a purpose and has a bigger fixture in the user's life than it should have. For example, instead of only being used to call people, cellphones today have many different applications in it. So while the digital user isn't on the phone with somebody, that is no reason why the actual phone shouldn't still be used. These sources of entertainment have become apart of daily life for the people that own the devices that include them, which is why they are so hard to let go of. Without entertaining devices, I do believe the enjoyment level of the device users would go down.

Another reason why Digital Technology is used alot is because of the needed bonds of the digital users with family and friends. Without the phone or computer, interaction with loved ones would be limited. This would be a bad case with alot of people, as not everyone lives in close range with their friends an family. So how can people still interact and be far away from eachother at the same time? This is where Digital Technology steps in. Phones and Chat Services on the computer allow people to interact for an unlimited amount of time which not only makes the bonds unbreakable, but makes them even stronger. Just like the case with the entertainment, i'm pretty sure it would be a big problem for Phone and Internet users at this point if these devices all of a sudden became unavilable to them.

Entertainment and Connection with loved ones are just two interpretations as to why people have grown more dependent on Digital Technology devices. These devices have been apart of society long enough to be considered apart of life. Now that's a strong, bold statment, but considering what these devices are able to do for people, it cannot really be argued against. For instance, if you want to tell a friend something, instead of waiting a period of time until you see that person again or writing a letter, just by using a cell phone that friend will know what you wanted to tel them in less than a minute. Or maybe you would like to show a picture of a new child born into the world, well by using a cell phone or computer, more people can be apart of that special moment in mere minutes rather than having to wait longer than they have to. Overall, Digital Devices although accompanied by some negative flaws, have proven that they indeed makes human life easier to live through.

While Digital Technology does have it's many positives, it does have almost an equal amount of negatives. Although Digital Technology does provide multiple features such as entertainment and better contact, one alternative description that can define the use of digital devices could be Isolation. Stepping back and thinking about how the world is run, I'm somewhat amazed on how far civillization has come. We see old movies about 50 or 100 years ago, which includes old time cars and factories. Now not only are cars and factories upgraded, but society has given people more options, as well as more oppurtunity to get lost in another world. Some may say this is just the beginning of digital takeover. In the movie Wall-E, humans are lazy and fat, while robots are cleaning up after them. Sure this is just a silly Disney movie now, but could this be a very precise prediction of what our world is to become? Only time will tell now.

This is what Digital Technology has become, so far that is. Movies and Books and other multiple sources signal more evolution in the digital world, and that in maybe 50 years, what we think of as obsession today, is nothing compared to what Digital Technology will be looked at as in that time period in 50 years. In other words, what we see as a fantasy in movies such as Wall-E, could actually be Deja Vu towards society's future.

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 21 Art Project

This picture to me holds a lot of significance when it comes to Digital Technology in our world. When on that subject and looking at the picture at the same time, it pretty much speaks for itself, saying that the world is being run by Digital Devices. The art shows me that the world is being taken over by the growing digital era.
Not only does this show that Digital Technology has made an impact on daily human life, it also shows firsthand that that same impact could also be a force in the art world. It gives artists a chance to really think about Digital Technology's role in society and put those feelings to work on paper or whatever they're developing their art on.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HW 20 Big Paper Revised Draft

In today's world, society is run alot more differently than 50 years ago. It has grown both in many ways other than in a physical sense. A main reason why this has happened is because of HOW we live in society. The control over the majority of society is in the hands, or better yet buttons of Digital Technology. In this past century, Digital Technology has grown in mainstream, pop culture rapidly. After numerous studies as to why people, more specifically Americans, almost always use anything Digital, it really comes down to three main points. Despite it's numerous negative aspects, digital devices are still being used by the majority of Americans because it provides entertainment, keeps us in better touch with family and friends and makes the user's lives easier.

Today, no matter what it is, almost every digital device provides some case of entertainment available for the owner of that device. Now because of this, the device has more of a purpose and has a bigger fixture in the user's life than it should have. For example, instead of only being used to call people, cellphones today have many different applications in it. So while the digital user isn't on the phone with somebody, that is no reason why the actual phone shouldn't still be used. These sources of entertainment have become apart of daily life for the people that own the devices that include them, which is why they are so hard to let go of. Without entertaining devices, i do believe the enjoyment level of the device users would go down.

Another reason why Digital Technology is used alot is because of the needed bonds of the digital users with family and friends. Now without the phone or computer, interactioj with loved ones would be limited. This would be a bad case with alot of people, as not everyone lives in close range with their friends an family. So how can people still interact and be far away from eachother at the same time? This is where Digital Technology steps in. Phones and Chat services on the computer allow people to interact for an unlimited amount of time which not only makes the bonds unbreakable, but makes them even stronger. Just like the case with the entertainment, i'm pretty sure it would be a big problem for Phone and Internet users at this point if these devices all of a sudden became unavilable to them.

Entertainment and Connection with loved ones are just two interpretations as to why people have grown more dependent on Digital Technology devices. These devices have been apart of society long enough to be considered apart of life. Now that's a strong, bold statment, but considering what these devices are able to do for people, it cannot really be argued against. For instance, if you want to tell a friend something, instead of waiting a period of time until you see that person again or writing a letter, just by using a cell phone that friend will know what you wanted to tel them in less than a minute. Or maybe you would like to show a picture of a new child born intot eh world, well by using a cell phone or computer, more people can be apart of that special moment in mere minutes rather than having to wait longer than they have to. Overall, Digital Devices although accompanied by some negative flaws, have proven that they indeed makes human life easier to live through.

While Digital Technology does have it's many positives, it does have almost an equal amount of negatives. Although Digital Technology does provide multiple features such as entertainment and better contact, one alternative description that can define the use of digital devices could be Isolation. Stepping back and thinking about how the world is run, I'm somewhat amazed on how far civillization has come. We see old movies about 50 or 100 years ago, which includes old time cars and factories. Now not only are cars and factories upgraded, but society has given people more options, as well as more oppurtunity to get lost in another world. Some may say this is just the beginning of digital takeover. In the movie Wall-E, humans are lazy and fat, while robots are cleaning up after them. Sure this is just a silly Disney movie now, but could this be a very precise prediction of what our world is to become? Only time will tell now.

This is what Digital Technology has become, so far that is. Movies and Books and other multiple sources signal more evolution in the digital world, and that in maybe 50 years, what we think of as obsession today, is nothing compared to what Digital Technology will be looked at as in that time period in 50 years.

HW 19 Big Paper 1 Suggestions

I overall enjoyed reading your paper, as the topic really pulled me in. I liked how you described a general, daily life with digital devices. Your paper as a whole has great goals. As im sure you know, i think all you have to do is just expand your arguments more. Other than that great job.

Your paper not only has good topics to discuss, but you also have great evidence to support it. After reading your paper, I think all you have to do is do little editing like spelling. Great Job.

Although you haven't started your paper yet, I think you have all the potiential to write a good one. The reason we have been able to write about the topic of the use of digital technology is because we are involved in it on a daily basis. Since you play World of Warcraft everyday, you would have the perfect P.O.V. when it comes to reasoning as to why people are so involved with the Digital World. Keep that in mind, and I hope you catch up with your work.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

HW 18 Big Paper 1 Rough Draft

In today's world, society is run alot more differently than 50 years ago. It has grown both in many ways other than in a physical sense. A main reason why this has happened is because of HOW we live in society. The control over the majority of society is in the hands, or better yet buttons of Digital Technology.

In this past century, Digital Technology has grown in mainstream, pop culture rapidly. After numerous studies as to why people, more specifically Americans, almost always use anything Digital, it really comes down to three main points. Despite it's numerous negative aspects, digital devices are still being used by the majority of Americans because it provides entertainment, keeps us in better touch with family and friends and makes the user's lives easier.

Today, no matter what it is, almost every digital device provides some case of entertainment available for the owner of that device. Now because of this, the device has more of a purpose and has a bigger fixture in the user's life than it should have. For example, instead of only being used to call people, cellphones today have many different applications in it. So while the digital user isn't on the phone with somebody, that is no reason why the actual phone shouldn't still be used. These sources of entertainment have become apart of daily life for the people that own the devices that include them, which is why they are so hard to let go of. Without entertaining devices, i do believe the enjoyment level of the device users would go down.

Another reason why Digital Technology is used alot is because of the needed bonds of the digital users with family and friends. Now without the phone or computer, interactioj with loved ones would be limited. This would be a bad case with alot of people, as not everyone lives in close range with their friends an family. So how can people still interact and be far away from eachother at the same time? This is where Digital Technology steps in. Phones and Chat services on the computer allow people to interact for an unlimited amount of time which not only makes the bonds unbreakable, but makes them even stronger. Just like the case with the entertainment, i'm pretty sure it would be a big problem for Phone and Internet users at this point if these devices all of a sudden became unavilable to them.

Entertainment and Connection with loved ones are just two interpretations as to why people have grown more dependent on Digital Technology devices. These devices have been apart of society long enough to be considered apart of life. Now that's a strong, bold statment, but considering what these devices are able to do for people, it cannot really be argued against. Overall, Digital Devices although accompanied by some negative flaws, have proven that they indeed makes human life easier to live through.

This is what Digital Technology has become, so far that is. Movies and Books and other multiple sources signal more evolution in the digital world, and that in maybe 50 years, what we think of as obsession today, is nothing compared to what Digital Technology will be looked at as in that time period in 50 years.

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 17 Outline Suggestions

Your outline provides a good preview of a good paper. I believe the topics you plan to expand when you write your paper are topics that are worth talking about. To me, you plan to kind of build up to your main ideas in your essay. First you plan to talk about competition with technology itself, which also introduces the source of your paper. Then for the rest of your paper, you plan to talk about our society's use of technology. Overall, I think your ideas are taking you on the right track. Good Luck on the paper.

Your outline for your essay is pretty clean cut and ready to be turned into an essay. I see how in your first arguments, you focus on the beginning of our class' unit, which is a good way to introduce your topic. Then you plan to talk about more of YOUR personal experiences with digital technology, as well as go even further on what we learned in class this year. Overall, I like your essay plan and Thesis is practically done. All you may need is a little more detail in your thesis ( since Andy just talked about Thesis in papers right now). Other than that, good job and Good luck.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 Big Essay Outline

Question: Why has Digital Technology become a permanent fixture in our lives that continues to grow everyday?

Thesis: Despite it's numerous negative aspects, Digital Devices are still being used by the majority of Americans because it provides entertainment, keeps us in better touch with family and friends and makes the user's lives easier.

Argument 1: Every digital machine provides entertainment, which ranges from video games, social networks, amoung a laundry list of avalibilities. These sources of entertainment alone have become apart of daily life for the majority of people. So without the internet, high tech cell phones and video games consoles, i don't think those many people want to think about what they would do WITHOUT any of these things.

Argument 2: Family and Friends have come closer together with the use of digital technology, The internet and phone work overtime to provide the makeup of closeness for the user to his/her family and friends when the actual distance between them is quite far. I would persoanlly suggest this is one of the more positive reasons why digital technology is such a phenomenom in society. Just like in the entertainment aspect, I'm sure the last thing people want is to have the internet and phone all of a sudden vanish, allowing for families and friendships to somewhat fade.

Argument 3: WIth digital technology, life is easier. What would we do in our spare time without entertainment provided by digital technology on our hands? How would we be able to either talk for 5 minutes to a loved family member or schduele a day plan with friends? These questions are very hard to answer, as digital technology has become a part of life, or better yet, life itself.

Monday, October 26, 2009


After reading your blog posts, I do believe you have the tools to write a pretty good essay. You talk about points made in texts read, make connections to your life or the world in general and discuss how points you've talked about can grow. In order to write essays, we need to know about the topic we are writing about as deeply as we possibly can.
So after you read a text, the thinking doesn't stop along with your reading. That's what I've learned in this unit about reading in general (with some help in English class too). It's pretty cool how we read something, then put our ideas on paper, if we do well at it, our ideas end up twice as long as the text itself.

Your ideas consist of topics I too think about during the current unit. Along with this article, we are discovering how digital technology's reign of dominance (if you will) is approaching. For a huge topic such as this in our class unit, we have to be really creative writers and really extend ideas we originally got from read articles, discussions, etc.
Your ideas about these things in your posts are really great. You pull out a small idea and by yourself, you expand it into a more bigger and more thinkable topic. When it comes to writing an essay or doing an art project, I think you do have the skills to be able to do well on these general assignments. Good Job and keep it up.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW 14- Second Text

After downloading and reading the long excerpt, i could basically clarify that the argument within this article is that too many kids are into Video Games, Television and other digital technology more than reading books. Some evidence that this author of the read text includes studies of how reading has decreased amoung "many demographic groups". The author admits that digital technology such as games do help with increased hand-eye coordination, amoung other positives. So after an long period of time in which adults have been insisting that Video Games, Televison and the Internet have been nothing more than a waste of time, it seems this article is a clear key of evidence to prove those assumptions wrong.

I do respect the author of this text's opnion, as well as other's opinions, but some parts of the text had me thinking. For example, in the text, there was a study that took place which said that someone who reads more is more likely to " visit museums and attend musical performances". Whether this is true or not, nobody can say they are 100% sure on the answer. But the assumptions continue, with the study insisting that people who read alot are more likely do be involved in other activities such as volunteering and attending sporting events. All I have to say about that is, Are you kidding me?

I personally don't consider myself a daily reader, yet at the same time I'm getting up 5'o clock almost every saturday morning to volunteet at my church's soup kitchen. I also find myself in the gym exercising during the majority of my free time. Now based on these FACTS about myself, I believe I just proved the message of this study wrong, no matter how much evidence it includes.

The author of this article is basically being realistic about where society will be in the future. What was yesterday's distraction will be tomorrow's savior. We all have to become as realistic as the author and say that this is the way the world is evolving. As long of a way we have come from past generations, we are just getting started.

I can't really connect this article to FEED, as I had trouble understanding the book as a whole. But I can connect this article to the point in the digital unit in our class, which basically says that digital technology is growing, and will soon be a nationwide, worldwide phenomenom. If people don't believe it or don't want to believe it, unless they are preparing for a mission to destroy everything digital ( which is pretty hard), sit back, relax and watch the world go through a new era, an era of digital.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

HW 11- Self Experiment

For this Homework, i decided to try and not do anything digital after school. So on my way home, I didn't listen to music, which kind of felt weird since I always listen to music when I have nobody to talk to. When I got home, instead of watching TV or going on the internet, I went to the store for my mom. Now although I wasn't being rushed, I felt like I was because usually the only time that I don't watch TV or go on the internet when I get home is when I have something else to do.
Then, as I was getting ready to go workout at my gym, I just couldn't leave without my IPOD. So in other words, I failed at my mission of decreasing digital technology in my routine.
I think the reason why it was weird doing this is because I grew up in the generation in which saw digital technology grow at a fast rate. This is the society that I grew up in, so for me to just change it out of the blue, that's a challenging task. However, this experiment was interesting and helped me realize how much of an impact digital technology really does have on my life. It reminded me that this is what the world is now, and I probably cannot do anything to change myself and pull myself away from the world I spent my entire life in.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

HW 10- Informal Research Internet

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/archives/article882546.eceres the same ideas that i

This article I picked up talks about a sports store which has all of their items on a Personal Digital Assitant (PDA), so make shopping for the customer faster and easier. This is strong proof of what awaits us in the digital future. I'm really not on a side on whether or not digital technology is a good thing. All I'm going to say is that our world evolves every single day, and we just have to accept that.
I believe this is indeed a preview of the future in digital technology. Pretty soon, all stores will have a PDA, making shopping everywhere quicker and easier, saving more time to do other activities, which will most likely also have something to do with digital media.


This article shares the same ideas that I do. It informs us that digital technology is a bigger part of our lives than we consider it. How digital technology IS life and it is still continuing to grow in society. But reasons for why this is good includes that it allows information to be passed around the world and important research. Reasons that it's a bad thing is that there is no privacy from the government because " the government taps into people's computers and internet activities under the excuse that they are doing it in the name of law enforcement".
I think this says a lot about the pros and cons of digital technology. It allows us to think like " well this is good.....but what about this....etc.". It gives people a chance to really break down thoughts and opinions into really sophisticated conversations.


This article was really interesting to me, as it discussed the topic of digital technology in a way that technology could be looked at in a different light. The author of this article talks about how people should not look at technology alone, but look at the interaction between technology and people. She/he then asks questions based around multiple individual topics to make readers think then possibly converse with others about their thoughts on a later date.
I found this article to be really helpful in expanding my mind on digital technology in everyday life. It not only talked about the same topics I already knew, but the article expanded it, making it seem a easier to think about.

HW 9- Video Project GHIJK

To Matthew:

You have the same idea as me when it comes to Digital Technology. Your comments to my video only helped improve my thoughts on this unit and the many different ways being digital is effecting us now, and what it may do in the future. Your comment in made me realize that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do whe n it comes to digital media and what role it plays in our lives daily. The unit in andy's class is succeeding in bringing alot of young minds together and expand the overall similar ideas. SO what do you think will possibly happen in the future with digital technology, having today's use of it as evidence? Many answers can be put after that question, it's just so interesting to hear about them all. I appreciate your comments and hope to get more great feedback.

To Michele:

Your comments really make alot of sense to me when it comes to the unit we're doing in andy's class. i liked how you used that Bruce Wilis movie as an example of t=what digital technology could be like in the future. Could today's population already have a clear picture about how the world will be like in the generations to come? Movies like SURROGATES helps people open their minds, whether they want to or not, and think just what the world will be like later on in their lifetimes, or even after their lifetimes have ended. It's crazy that I'm saying this, but it has become a part of life nowadays. Thanks for the comments, as you can see it has helped me really expand my thinking about the topic of digital media.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW#8 Response To Matthew's and Michele's Video Projects

To Matthew:
I overall liked your response to the questions. I agree with you about how technology is taking over a lot of our daily lives. I liked when you specifically said how the music you listen to matches up with your emotions. This just proves how technology is able to find it's place in our lives.

I personally feel that digital technology IS a huge part of our lives and is still increasing. It's only a matter of time before EVERYTHING is digital. Once again, i enjoyed your comments and feel that they would make a bigger impact of the classes thoughts if you expanded a little.

Overall Great Job.

To Michele:
I totally agree with you. When making this video, i also saw myself being somewhat lost in another world, a digital world. I think this video shows a lot about what we are trying to uncover during this unit.

I think it's better to film the video the way that you did, which was have someone tape you while you engage in digital activities, as it lets people. including yourself think about how digital technology takes up a majority of our lives.

Overall great job

HW # 6 video Response

Watching this video has made me realize even more that digital technology is taking over our lives. Looking at mine, as well as other videos, I could see that we were so into this, whole new world of digital technology. Watching these vidos also made me notice that we are somewhat hypnotized once the TV, Computer, Video Game, ETC. is turned on.
This "Take Over" of technology is not getting any slower. With video games such as WII coming out with virtual exercise, it's only a matter of time before our whole world is inhabited by digital technology; with that part of our day in which we are digital becomes our entire lives.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HW #7

My sister said: I can't imagine what life would be like without my phone, ipod or TV. That's scary to think about".

My mom said: It's hard to imagine a world like that. We would all be like the amish".

Monday, September 21, 2009

HW 4: Comment on Victor Santos' Blog

I believe you bring up some good, true ideas within your blog. i do believe that digital technology in general WILL take over in the future. People think that time has come already, but it has not. Today's use of digital takes up a big chunk of daily life, but just a big chunk and not life entirely.

I think you do have some valid, interesting points, what you should do is expand on those ideas so that people reading your post can have a better impact not only on yourself, but to other readers of your post so that they can expand THEIR thoughts too.

Overall good job.

Monday, September 14, 2009

HW 3

The way digital use takes up so much of my time is really amazing. I played video games for the first time in years over the weekend, just because I wanted to. Every time I looked at the time, it felt like hours were being skipped by 2 or 3. However, the way we feel is caused by the fact that although being digital is a big part of today's society, it isn't entirely. However, by the way it looks now, it seems only natural that digital life would be the only kind of life that takes place in society in the future. The only thing we could do is go on with life as it is and how it is growing. If one really has a problem with the thought of digital technology ruling his/her life, take action. Don't include technology that isn't necessary in your life. For me personally, all I really need is a phone and maybe a little internet, nothing else. Video games and other special gadgets for me are overdoing it. Overall, for me, I'll just live MY life, My way to the best of my ability.