Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

The do's and do not's of parenting are almost neck and neck. Everyone is going to have an opinion on the same topic, so what one parent thinks is good, doesn't sit well with another one.

A quote I found interesting was from Andy's friend Christian. He said that sometimes, "kids DO have control because if parents are noticeably unfair, kids would be able to make their parents have a more stressful day than they would have to". This shows that while parents are in control, they should still somewhat play fair with raising their kids.

When asking my mom about the way she parented me and my sister, she had this to say: " I feel that I'm a strict parent, but I also let you kids know that I loved you. There were rules and there were consequences if they were broken. I didn't believe in hitting but I disciplined by taking away tv, games, etc. I also didn't allow my kids to be Idle and hang in the streets. They were kept busy, and therefore out of trouble. I taught them that respect for elders and authority is extreamly important, as well as respecting others. I feel that my kids are well rounded and have benefited from my parenting style".

To me, my mom's parenting techniques have benefited me for the long run. No offense to other kids and their pafrents, but I feel that my mother's way of raising me has made me a more standout and stronger individual. While some kids out there have parents who aren't involved in their lives, my mothers techniques really helped mold who I am today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

When raising a child, parents all over the world have different techniques in raising them. Whether its being nice, tough love, just being tough, or anything welse, this is why the world is different in a good way.

In my opinion, there is NO proper way to raise a child, similar to an opinion, every parent is entitled to their own way of raising their children. I don't understand all these books and "professionals" who say they know the "right" way to raise a child. As long as the universe existed, what gives them the right to say that. In general, when a couple has a child, it is their right and responsibility to raise them in whatever way they see fit.

So in general, as much as children don't believe it, our parents know whats best for us for the early stages of our lives, because they gave us life. When we get old enough, we cvan take over.

HW 56 - Interviews & Survey Question

What is the relationship between a psychologist and his/her patient?

How do Psychologists themselves get mental help? When does the cycle end?

How do they cover up their "human" traits and make themselves look like "super humans" or "gods"?

Who on this Earth knows the exact amount of mental stability? Is there such thing?

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 55


Why do psychologists have the right to be looked at as more mentally stable people than others in society? What makes them think that they know 100% how to think, live life, etc.?



Thanks for making me your triangle partner....although you seem to have a lot of partners. Anyways, your questions seem very well aimed at a specific topic of friendships, something i need to aim at with my questions topic.

Overall, good start, you'll probably add more detail to it or something else you feel is necessary, since im in no position to give you constructive criticism. Thanks for the help on mine.

HW 54

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

I feel this "personality test" was another way to really think about where your POV stands with various topics. Rather than use this to have other people find out who you are, it gives OURSELVES the opportunity to actually find out stuff about ourselves we don't think about on a daily basis. Sure, some topics like social levels I can answer the same usually, but other questions got me thinking about where I stand with it.

However, I honestly don't think there's a survey out there that can truly be 100% accurate. You choose who you want to be in life, period. No test should be able to tell you who you are and you didn't realize it until after. I think what's interesting about these surveys is different peoples perceptions of how people act based on questions being answered.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

Part 2:

This survey is pretty interesting and made me think about the same topics I discussed in HW 52. Like all surveys, this one made me really think about the questions asked and even more about the topics they were based around. For example, when asked about my family life, I was able to answer the question while having more of an appreciation of how my family life is compared to other people who unfortunately might have answered the questions in a lower way.

In HW 52, I did discuss how good it is that we all have the ability to think about certain Life aspects and use our minds to crate different possible explanations. These kinds of surveys better benefit those abilities and may even expand our mindsets since there are more specific questions.

HW 52 - Initial Theories of Human Relationships

Asking yourself "What is the right way to Live?" is just another one of those questions where although there is no exact answer, its interesting to spend periods of time thinking about. I've always believed, based on how I grew up in a religious aspect, that all questions would be answered only when you die. But until then, all you could do is wonder. However, something that is great about life is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether others want to accept your ideas as a possibility or not. As long as you have a brain, you could think in any way you choose.

Thinking specifically about human relationships, i've grown up and found myself acting differently towards different people in my life. I don't consider this as myself being a fake person, I think just like the question, the way you act can't be traced back to one simple explanation, but instead it is just the way it is is. We were all born with many, different emotions, so in a way, these emotions are all used, but not directly to all the same people. You have family, good friends, regular friends, classmates, a girl/boy friend, the list goes on and on. It's one of those things where I guess it just depends on the person you are reacting to in which you would act. For example, I usually goof off with my friends while I may tone myself down around family. Specifically focusing on family, type way I act with them is what i consider my first "give off" of emotion because my family were the people around me before any outsiders who are currently apart of my life today. In general, the majority of people are interested in change, so thinking back to when I got into school and it's environment, my human instincts simply saw this as a golden opportunity to give off new emotions and create new human relationships that differ from the ones I lived off of with my family for the beginning of my life.

This also happens when you meet that special person in a romantic level. It's one thing to notice the difference of relationships between family and friends, but the feelings you get when you have interest in one particular person is just so crazy it could sometimes be indescribable. Rather than think about what your brain is feeling, think about what happens to your body when you become affiliated with those kind of moods. You may have little butterflies in your stomach, feel light headed (in a good way), etc. When you think about this, you're not forcing yourself to feel these just do. Because of this, whatever point of view you have about Life, whether it be Science alone or a God, this could've been a creation that was added along with the universe, who says they can truly know?

It's great to be able to think about and create possible explanations in your head, but why think hard all the time? There are times in general when people have problems thinking too hard about a given subject. Just like Life itself, its fun to think about for a set amount of time from time to time, but in the end, you just sit back and accept the existence of everything. Like I said earlier, i personally believe that you will find out the answers to all of those big, universal questions only when you die. People may ask "How do you know that?", and to tell the truth, i DON'T. But just like human relationships, people have a right to think about why and how life was created, because someway, somehow...that ability was included in the package the second we were all born into this world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 51

School can be looked at than more than just an "educational palace" that we spend our time in from 9 AM to 3 PM. When asked either by yourself or someone else, people tend to lose thought on what school actually is. Because of this, School, which becomes apart of our daily lives at a young age, is know being second guessed by the majority of students. rather than being looked at as an opportunity to gain knowledge for the future, school is often compared to jail and a place that nobody wants to be.

Now that school's true meaning is often looked at as the enemy, I now find myself questioning what is the true point of sitting in multiple classrooms doing nothing but listening to the "master" up front, taking notes on his/her wisdom, and keeping my mouth shut the majority of the time, unless I want to hear the great words of the "master" a second time. I'll admit that there might be a chance that school's true meaning is to help prepare students for their futures, but if that IS true, I most definitely missed it.

Unless one would like to be a teacher, what's the point of coming to school? I picture myself involved in some form of athletics, whether it means being an athlete or in another field still involving sports....or even BOTH. Since this is my personal case, why is it that I can't go for these dreams of mine unless I'm able to understand factors quadratic functions or finding the molarity of a substance? To me, this is just unfair.

As much as the majority of school time is unfair, there are some good things that come out of it. Out of all my classes, i find Internship class to be the most helpful for my future after high school. While it doesn't concentrate on my specific career interests, it DOES talk about important factors of life such as ;earning how to deal with budgets, how to nail an interview for a job, basically stuff that actually matter if one would like to be successful in his/her life.If all classes were more like this, then maybe a lot of students wouldn't have to unrelunctantly force themselves out of bed every school morning. Just maybe, they'd be willing to receive some guidance for when they go out into the world without mommy and daddy no longer being behind them.

In my opinion, College is when you start your life. You choose the classes you want, which teaches the topics you're interested in, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you're in a good position in this point of your life. To better suit their student's love of education, maybe grade schools should try to be more opened up with a variety of classes, giving them more options. As much as teachers and parents may disagree with it, students deserve a right to have options in what they are taught. It allows them to potentially discover hidden talent, the same talents that will make them successful in their jobs and careers which will define their place in their society, and in the world. That may seem too far out and sound crazy to a lot of people, but that's only because school isn't in the format that it should be. There's a saying that states "Change is Good", whether or not people agree with it or not, let's give change a try and see just how far it would be able to take us.

HW 50

After reading the article, i could definitely say that i have the same view of school as Gatto does. Basically, he views schools as somewhat of a blockage for students to really push themselves and being able to discover their full potential. Because school doesn't necessarily work for the favor of the student's interests, students come to school not really caring about what is offered and instead just waste their time, although it's NOT completely their fault. If you're not interested in something, you're not interested in it, period. You can't shove a topic into someone's mind and expect to force them to like it (unless they are weak minded, but that isn't everyone).

One of Gatto's "rules" states that students should "stay in the class where they belong", This says a lot to me. Gatto, like me, believes that students should be in classrooms in which the topic is appealing to them, like they actually WANT to listen rather than just sit there and wait for the time to pass them by. It almost strikes me that some adults agree with the same educational beliefs as students.

I failed Spanish class last year and that cost me a credit. My aunt couldn't believe spanish class, a class that she believed should be an elective, was costing me a grade. After talking for a while, she had the same beliefs as read in Gatto's "6 Lessons", which basically sum up that students deserve a say in what they are taught for the sake of taking what they learn and keeping it with them for the future, rather than forgetting 4 years worth of classes a month after graduating.

Monday, April 19, 2010

HW 49

I believe my class' teacher/student savior video was a good POV more towards both sides of the classroom. There's the teacher, who is trying to do his job and try to contain control of the classroom, then theres the students, whp not only dont care about school, but have some reasons behind it (such as what was seen in the movie "Freedom Writers").

My role was that of the cameraman for the second half of the movie. While behind the camera, i was able to get an outsider's perspective on the whole teacher and student relationship in the classroom. Also, in the first half of the movie, I was one of the main characters. My role was the victim of bullying, which gave me an inside look of what a student in that POV goes through, both physically and mentally, which can connect to a reason as to why some students may dislike school, thus needing a savior in the teacher.

Overall, i feel like once again, our movie was a great way to show yet another view on what the status is in a general classroom. Although not ALL classes were as bad as we were acting for the video, is still gives oppurtuntity to think and discuss about the deeper depths on what school is about, what the POVs are, etc.

Although it was a good video, I think it would be more beneficial for all outside viewers to get more of a POV from the teacher, only because most movies out concentrate more on fixing the students. How about if STUDENTS help TEACHERS?

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48 - Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

In this video, there should be something happening that is the complete opposite of what we saw in multiple videos in class. Rather than have the old, traditional student learns from teacher plot, why not reverse it and have a teacher learns from their students?

Believe it or not, there has to be at least one teacher out there who's at the point of his/her life where the only reason why they come to work is because of the paycheck. They are just mentally drained and have no more inspiration to teach willingly. However, there are students who are being taught by this teacher who actually want to learn something. So instead of having the teacher try and change the perspective of education of the students, in this video, the students will help pull the teacher out of the dark, boring hole that the teacher has fell in.

I feel this is a good idea because over the last few weeks, we have seen multiple, different POVs, but all of them were through the eyes of the teacher. So now, its the students turns. That way, maybe the viewer of all the movies can have a steady, clear vision of what the relationship is between teachers and students.

So considering what the teachers have done for the students in the videos, this self made video could be looked at as somewhat a thank you or a sign of appreciation from the students to the figure of the teacher that has helped the figure of the students in the past.

Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 45 - More Big Thoughts on Schools

3. What additional points does reading these theorists make you think of, about your own education and philosophy?

After reading what these theorists had to say about how they feel about the way schools are run in today's society, it didn't really phase me much. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, does it really matter how two theorists feel school should be run for US? I mean, while their intentions are good, THEY aren't the ones in the classrooms 5 days a week....WE are.

When reading about about Ted Sizer's CES organization, his opinions threw me off a bit. He believed that elective classes and sports weren't necessary and were "a distraction to the core curriculum". I mean....Really? So what about future Athletes, Photographers and Artists, they don't get to take part in their given activities in school because he feels that it isn't needed? Once again, I know he means well, but he should be listening tio today's students rather than telling them what he thinks is best for them.

UPDATE( 3-22-10): After sitting in Internship the period before this one in which I am currently typing up this extension, I can safely say that I can back up my opinion in which I say that Students know what's best for them in the classrooms. As I was in Internship, a class caught up in conversations about job interviews, I found myself actually listening. And why was I doing so? Because it ACTUALLY MATTERS!!!! Although a class such as Math has been a mainstay in the school curriculum for a long time, i find myself paying more attention in Internship class than I do in Math class. This is because students want to be taught stuff that will help them in the future. So rather have kids be forced to learn about Quadratic Functions and Combining Compounds (in Science), how about we learn more about job interviews and how to pay taxes NOW.

Monday, March 1, 2010

HW 42 - More Research and More Thinking

Part B for HW 42

Question: Today, the majority of students feel that the curriculum of their education does not help out for what they want to do in their futures. Students question why aren't ALL schools specialized in a way in which student have more specific options in their learning experience that would benefit their futures. So, Why aren't ALL schools specifically specialized in a given curriculum to serve as training for students with their futures?

In class, the majority of the student felt like the weren't learning anything in school now that they would need for their specific futures and hopeful jobs/careers. They felt that although today's educational system provides a balanced base of education, schools everywhere should instead of being widespread, they should get down and specific on what they are teaching their students to ensure that they get the education they need to achieve in their personal future plans.

Because of this, just like it has over time, schools may be looking for a change in the near future. As young adults in high school, we have different aspirations, different ideas and dreams of what we want to make our lives out of. However, we have to wait until college roles around to decide that. Now instead of knowing full well what we want before college, we have to pay both money and personal time to a school we think would fit our future's needs, although we aren't 100% on it, but rather hopeful.

In my opinion, I feel that in the next decade or two, schools AT LEAST countrywide could have a positive change in education to ensure that they are providing the rightful education that students would actually NEED in their lives after school. I mean, it's nice to know this, but do we honestly need to know everything there is to know about Quadratic Functions as an adult in our lives? I doubt it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 41 - Initial Internet Research on Schooling

The topic about school which I will be getting more specific with is the questioning of why school doesn't provide specific classes to benefit not only the interests of students, but to help them long term in the future. In my own thoughts, schools today probably only want to provide a base of education for their students and have them choose more specific classes when they get to college. However, I think it would be more beneficial if this was done earlier in the educational career of students, say around high school or even junior high school.

This article explains the "8 essential skills that weren't taught in school". Some topics include how to be successful in Life and how to make and accomplish goals. These topics should be taught in school to prepare us before we are sent out into the world to make something out of ourselves. This article insists that if we are taught these 8 skills, we will be able to have a better increase in success in Life.

This article gets more specific and asks why isn't "Project Management" taught in school. Although a little too specific, this article expresses how schools can change the confidence of students in wanting to get to the top of whatever careers they may end up choosing. This may bad, but this idea could serve as positive influence in accomplishing alot past high school.

Part A for HW 42

This article talks about how public schools offer the "common curriculum" to students. A clever metaphor that was used was that for heart surgery, a huge, major hospital beats out a small medical office, implying that specialized schools are available for more specific educational interests.

This article discusses "magnet Schools", schools who have an eye for the more educationally advance individuals who have a clear, set goal on what they want to do for their future involving computers and other technology. It also argues how less advanced students may feel bad because they don't meet a given standard like others do. However, one cannot help if some kids are more determined than others.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A


1. Will School ever change so it's more like college and you can choose what you want to study?
2. As school become equally or more social as it is educational?
3. Is there a deeper point to why school exists besides education?

1. School has become one of, if not the place where social circles are created.
2. School has been evolving ever since it was created, so it will most likely be different than it is currently.
3. School either provides as an inspiration for kids to succeed or for people to feel forced to drop out.


1. Obviously, school has taught me to do work at a consistent rate, regardless if I enjoy it or not.
2. School has been the building ground of my friendships of the past and the present.
3. School has made me grow educationally and made me become more serious about my future as I am today.

Part B

When I first came to SOF, I only knew like 4 people who came over with me from my middle school. I haven't had the feeling i had on the first day in high school in a long time. When i got to middle school, all my friends from elementary school went with me, so it was an easier experience. But when high school came, I was practically alone. Thinking back on it now, that was a time in my life where I was able to re-invent myself. I knew I would eventually have brand new friends, hangout spots, etc. Now, I am sad to say that i don't even remember my friends of elementary and middle school. i guess when it comes to school, it's just one stage of your life after another, just passing you by.
Although people look at school as nothing more but just boring work, this experience makes me realize that school provided me with something even bigger than that. it had me change my surrondings, my friends, the school, the neighborhood, etc. There is a point in everyones life where their life changes dramatically. This specifically happened to me when i entered high school.

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

(Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to arrange for the students who were supposed to be in the video to meet up at a specific time.
However, I'll instead write the script for what was supposed to happen, which will hopefully allow me to at least get half credit).

Brandon(me) is getting bullied by a couple of guys. When defending himself doesn't get anywhere, he pleads for help from
somebody, anybody.
Meanwhile, in the computer lab, his sanctuary, Victor was only seconds away from conquering the evil forces of darkness(or whatever crap he does) when all of a sudden, he hears the needs of help from Brandon.
Knowing what he must do, Victor sprang into action and ran so fast to offer to help, it was as if he was flying. He then arrives
at the scene of bullying where Brandon is in dire need of help.
Being familiar with being bullied every day, Victor reached deep inside his dark soul and unleashed his "fury" on the bullies. When the dust settled, Brandon went over to thank Victor for his assitance. Victor insisted his wasn't him who Brandon should thank, it is the mages who give Victor his strength. Afterwords, Victor goes back to the confines of the computer lab, to continue his virtual journey against evil.


This short story was a metaphor of people standing up for what they believe in. Victor's character represented the good in people, when someone sees something going on that is wrong, they fix it for the good. This is considered not only the right thing to do, but the COOL thing to do as well. (obviously, an actual video would've been better, but we couldn't arrange for a period of time to produce it).

Monday, January 25, 2010

HW 37 Cool Paper Done Draft

( I think My first rough draft was pretty good, it just needed the main idea to change for it to make sense. Let me know some examples in your opinion of my new main idea, which is in bold)

Imagine knowing you weren't the creator of your personality, that you were just a robot built by someone else. It now has become apparent that we ae living in a society where one word can determine who you are either by yourself, or by the people around you. Common Sense itself hasn't been playing a big part in the growth of the term "Cool", as it now creates conflict with people in society, especially in the teen age group and the middle/high school scenes. Without having anyone around you to yell in your ear, you would want to do and/or be whoever or whatever makes you happy the most. Unfortunatly, sources within the media play a big role in shaping the lives of upcoming kids who apprently would rather follow what someone else thinks is cool instead of their own way. In fact, cool has been defined in a way that disobeys parents, the people who brought us into the world. "Cool is an oppositional attitude adopted by individuals or small groups to express defiance to authority"(Cool Rules: Anatomy of an Attitude). Now this can be looked at in multiple ways, whether it be a teen ingnoring a parent, or a criminal running from a cop, these examples are surely the wrong way to go. Cool has made it apprent that we don't have 100% control over who we become as people, and that society has now become apart of everyone in it's life.

Cool in general should be defined as being your own person, following nobody except yourself. Cool however, wasn't grown in society in that light, so "Cool" isn't technically defined in that way by the majority of people. These individuals may look at Tattoos and over the edge hairstyles as a characteristic of the "lower social class", amoung other things. However, if those people opened their hypnotized minds, they would realize that these haircuts and bodyart are a way of expression, a way to say "I'm Different", a way to identify yourself in the world for real. Think about it, would you rather be standing in the world noticed by yourself or with a big crowd? The answer should obviously be by yourself because in this case, YOU are seen, in a crowd, the crowd itself only is seen.

People now use these ways of representation to mock self expression, not necessarily on purpose, but in an attempt to try and be accepted by others. When people look for the best ways to be cool, they are copyrighting someone else. " If you don't have your own idea, you'll be apart of society's idea" (quote from Andy's class). And on most occasions, they ARE noticed, but not in the right way, not for being yourself. Many Teen girls today who dress "sexy" aren't being looked at for their personailty first, girls today first attract guys by physical apperences. And I'm sure when asked, these girls will say that it's 100% their own style with NO inspirations. No? Never heard of Britney Spears? Really? Same goes for the guys, who may change their appearence and hide themselves behind baggy clothes and namebrand sunglasses. In fact, girls themselves are a reason why guys feel pressured to change themselves up a bit. Some guys who don't feel 100% confident in themselves will look to anything to impress a girl, at all costs. It's not just girls though, it can be in any situations wioth groups of people, a hopeful job, etc.

Cool has now become somewhat of a problem when thought of. Sure, cool can push you into the "in" crowd, but is it worth it? Is it worth losing your true identity, who you can truly become? People who are strong minded, who don't let other people's ideas and opinions affect them, those are the people who have the true right to say, "I AM COOL". They follow nobody except themselves, they are happy with the path in life they have chosen. How about those kids who are in the "cool" group? OK, now what? All they're doing during that period of time is wearing a mask, a white, plain, mask. There are these kind of people, then there are the strong minded people. I guess Cool can be looked at as proof to the fact that maybe some people are just stronger than others. Better yet, that is only one example of what Cool can prove.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HW 36 Triangular Partner Help

Matthew B's Topic:

"Gangs are a way of life for many of these young black males because of their position in culture, sense they our born in mist poverty they our already for the most part given what will look achievable and cool".

My Idea:

To me, Matthew's paper gives a great P.O.V. as to why people do things such as joining gangs. In order to even think about the topic of cool, one most know what it feels like on both sides of the argument. Although I myself think gangs are wrong, it doesn't hurt to get an idea as to why people join gangs, to know their inspiration. These kids, they're lost in this world. Whatever the cause was, they're looking for a way out of the bad situation they unfortunatly have to call life. Just like everyone did at one point of their lives, these kids are looking for something to do, something to gives their lives that new twist. Although some people think it is wrong, including myself, I have come to realize that not me, nor any other human being on this Earth has the pure right to say what is right and wrong, unless they were there when the Big bang happened.

Michelle G's Topic:

"These roles we play make us who we are and are shaped by all that surrounds us".

My Idea:

Obviously, Michelle is stating what Cool is and what is does to us in our lifetime. In some period of time, Cool was invented. Nobody can say they know how, when or why, it just happened. And now, thousands of years later, it is still apart of society, apart of life. The society we grow up in, our surrondings we absorb into our brains as we were young, shapes us into who we become in that same society when we get older. Because of realizing this, alot of people would probably get fustrated when they realize they are not in control of the person they have been since they were born. However, I see this in a different light. Does society have an effect on who you are? Yes. Do you have an effect on who you are? Yes. Ads much as some people don't want to believe it, society has become a major part in how we grow up. However, i wouldn't say it has complete control. I'll put in like this, society gives us the tools, and we get to choose which tools we want to use in building our lives. So the way I see it, it has become somewhat of a partnership.

Monday, January 18, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Over the past couple of months, the term "Cool" has been investigated by classes of student to see what it actually means. It now has become apparent that we ae living in a society where one word can determine who you are either by yourself, or by the people around you. Common Sense itself hasn't been playing a big part in the growth of the term "Cool", as it now creates conflict with people in society, especially in the teen age group and the middle/high school scenes. Without having anyone around you to yell in your ear, you would want to do and/or be whoever or whatever makes you happy the most. Unfortunatly, sources within the media play a big role in shaping the lives of umcoming kids who apprently would rather follow what someone else thinks is cool instead of their own way. In fact, cool has been defined in a way that disopbeys parents, the people who brought us into the world. "Cool is an oppositional attitude adopted by individuals or small groups to express defiance to authority"(Cool Rules: Anatomy of an Attitude). Now this can be looked at in multiple ways, whether it be a teen ingnoring a parent, or a criminal running from a cop, these examples are surely the wrong way to go. Cool has made people look at life in the wrong way, it has made people expect more out of themselves than is already there and good enough.

Cool in general should be defined as being your own person, following nobody except yourself. Cool however, wasn't grown in society in that light, so "Cool" isn't technically defined in that way by the majority of people. These individuals may look at Tattoos and over the edge hairstyles as a characteristic of the "lower social class", amoung other things. However, if those people opened their hypnotized minds, they would realize that these haircuts and bodyart are a way of expression, a way to say "I'm Different", a way to identify yourself in the world for real. Think about it, would you rather be standing in the world noticed by yourself or with a big crowd? The answer should obviously be by yourself because in this case, YOU are seen, in a crowd, the crowd itself only is seen.

People now use these ways of representation to mock self expression, not necessarily on purpose, but in an attempt to try and be accepted by others. When people look for the best ways to be cool, they are copyrighting someone else. " If you don't have your own idea, you'll be apart of society's idea" (quote from Andy's class). And on most occasions, they ARE noticed, but not in the right way, not for being yourself. Many Teen girls today who dress "sexy" aren't being looked at for their personailty first, girls today first attract guys by physical apperences. And I'm sure when asked, these girls will say that it's 100% their own style with NO inspirations. No? Never heard of Britney Spears? Really? Same goes for the guys, who may change their appearence and hide themselves behind baggy clothes and namebrand sunglasses. In fact, girls themselves are a reason why guys feel pressured to change themselves up a bit. Some guys who don't feel 100% confident in themselves will look to anything to impress a girl, at all costs. It's not just girls though, it can be in any situations wioth groups of people, a hopeful job, etc.

Cool has now become somewhat of a problem when thought of. Sure, cool can push you into the "in" crowd, but is it worth it? Is it worth losing your true identity, who you can truly become? People who are strong minded, who don't let other people's ideas and opinions affect them, those are the people who have the true right to say, "I AM COOL". They follow nobody except themselves, they are happy with the path in life they have chosen. How about those kids who are in the "cool" group? OK, now what? All they're doing during that period of time is wearing a mask, a white, plain, mask. There are these kind of people, then there are the strong minded people. I guess Cool can be looked at as proof to the fact that maybe some people are just stronger than others. Better yet, that is only one example of what Cool can prove.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc.

After reading Andy's examples of what trying to be cool is like these days, it made me think about what cool is really all about. Cool isn't about being the most popular person in a given society, it's just a desperate, pathetic attempt to try and find a way in the world. Take the example of the kid dropping out of school to join a gang. WHAT!!!??? How could a gang possibly be beneficial for somone? The answer is nothing. Someway, Somehow, Cool was created in society to have people feel good about themselves by being fake and not who they are truly and spritually.

As I've mentioned in past blogs, there really isn't a definiton of Cool wehn you think about it. However, since society has had cool matched with a term for a long time now, I'll just give my opinion on what I think is the rightful term. Cool is being you. That's it. Not trying your hardest to have another persona to impress anyone other than yourself.

However, one definiton from one person doesn't answer the questions about what cool has become. As much as people like me have their own opinions about the idea of cool, it has still become a huge part of society, especially in our society at high school. Cool is inspired by alot of things. For example, I think relationships between the two genders have alot to do with change of personality throughout the day, from self to cool. When you have a crush on somebody, chances are you'll probably show off and be someone who isn't quite you on a daily basis. I think because of what Coo stands for in society, it has made us in general sometimes lose confidence in ourselves spritually, causing us to create a new persona that we wouldn't create if we were 100% comfortable with ourselves. Now not EVERYONE is like this, but majority of people, especially growing teenagers, go through it everyday.

Another example could actually be looked at as a positive one. In an attempt to either impress your family or even yourself, you may change your persona in school to succeed more. Alot of times, kids in classes may glare at the kid who's known as the class clown and think to themselves, "What's wrong with him/her today? He/She is so quiet". This is because the mindset of that person is concentrated on another thing, so their personality changes dramatically, at least between the hours of school.

So overall, people aren't always themselves 24/7. People may just have permanent, multiple personalities, which is both good and bad in different cases. However, I think it;s all "Cool's fault". Now when I look at my younger family members and think about this subject, I get kind of worried. Because these kids, who have a light to them, could be pushed by society to becoem someone they are not. If Cool is what we say it is now, what could it possibly be like in the future, Better? Worse? I think the only way we are able to know is not to wait for the answer, but to make the answer. Always be yourself under ALL circumstances. There is a quote that I know which says so much when it comes to this subject. " It's better to be Hated for who you are t than to be Loved for who you are not". In other words, be yourself, make friends and be in relationships for who you truly are, and NOT someone you are not, a fake.

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

Thesis- (I'll change this so it is MY thesis, this is just to start with) 2. Coolness - as a heroic internal narrative and the successful command of attention and social significance - is a basic human need. We need to be cool - what are the best ways for us to do that, individually and collectively?

Argument 1- The differences between actually representing who you truly are and doing whatever it takes to be accepted by others.

Argument 2- Ways that people represent themselves for real ( Tattoos, Hairstyles, choice of attire, etc) AND ways that people use these representations to be fake for the acceptance of others.

Argument 3- Why Cool has become the way it has been and how this can affect a person both positively and negatively.

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

Tattoos have become the new, physical way of expressing self to others and the world. With unique color and design choices, Tats are the new way of having a visual identity in society. Although everyone doesn't prefer to even get one tattoo, they have become very popular in the general population.

When thinking of tattoos, most people probably think of tough, scary bikers who have their bodies covered with these designs. Nowadays, that is far from the case. In my opinion, tattoos are a way to show people who you really are. When walking down the street, people look at you for mere seconds, not knowing the person who you truly are. Although you may not even get to even show who you are eve if you want to, you might want to regardless, but without talking. Tattoos show people who are without you having to explain it to them. However, unless the tattoos you have are words, people will still NOT have a clear image of who you are as a person. However, people will look at you as a person who is proud of who he/she is, which is the reason why they insisted on getting it inked permanently onto their bodies.

I personally think tattoos are cool. Besides looking physically nice, the secret behind them are more interesting to explore. For me personally, I am a big fan of Destiny, so I would like to get a Celtic Shield of Destiny tattooed either on my arm or chest as a tribute to my Irish heritage and Destiny itself. There are other numerous tattoos I would like to get too for reasons other than trying to be cool and show off to other people. Unlike other people who actually get tattoos to just fit in, I believe tattoos are a way to represent for the new generation. However, some people still look at tattoos as being ugly and having no meaning. Well i just think those people aren't deep thinkers and can't have big enough imaginations.

Above is Carey Hart, A pro skateboarder who apprently has no problem with the idea of using tattoos as a way to express himself. I believe it takes courage and confidence to be able to use tattooing as a way to show the world who you really are, without caring about what other people think.